Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tossing and Turning All Night

Faina often wakes up in the middle of the night. The two leading causes are nightmares, which have not been in the least bit unusual since last April, and the TPN alarm going off if there is a pinch in the line. Last night featured both.

The nightmares she rarely shares with me and at 2:00 am I really wasn't in a mood to probe. Two hours earlier or four hours later my curiosity is in fuller bloom. They are usually stories of death and destruction, pain and suffering, and populated with people near and dear to her.

The TPN alarm is another matter. With the usual tossing and turning in her sleep the IV line gets pinched. In particular, its not good for the pancreas to have the nutrition suddenly cut off, but generally it would be a problem just to wake up with the feeding cycle incomplete. This wake up call is a regular occurrence and I usually get it straightened out before Faina even wakes up.

Today is finally the Dr. Schulick appointment we have been anxiously awaiting for two weeks. It could be hugely informative or it could be a total letdown. The possibility is that Faina will have regained enough of her health to be ready for a third surgery to close off the fistula and that Dr. S will advise proceeding with that procedure, that our patience has been rewarded and the fistula is closing off of its own accord, or that we'll all have to wait another week or two.

Time to go play, Good Morning Baltimore.

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