Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hatov V'Hameitiv

The news yesterday could not have been much better. Dr. Schulick took a look at the quickly approaching single digit numbers on the output from the fistula, and the healthy looking, progressively less open incision, liked what he saw, and told us that there is an 80% chance that the fistula will heal on its own and there will be no need for another surgery. He went on to say we will not have to come back to Hopkins for a month and that we will report in by phone, twice a week.

Faina's fear of a possible kink in the intestines was allayed by the evidence that from end to end the GI tract is fully functioning. To really put the system to the test, Dr. S said Faina could start drinking two cups of liquid a day. We have to phone in results on fistula output on Friday, but by the end of next week the possibility is that Faina will be able to start eating real food.

We left Hopkins turning left on N. Caroline Avenue and not stopping until we reached Fells Point. We took a stroll around one of the "City of Neighborhoods" original neighborhoods, enjoying the real and metaphorical sunshine, and Faina ordering her first cup of tea since early August.

Baruch Ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech HaOlam HaTov V'Hameitiv
Praised are You, Adonai, Ruler of the Universe the Good and the Doer of Good.

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